
Black Skies over Roadburn – Part III

The darkness is not done with us and Sunday starts early with Fear Falls Burning playing the Patronaat. But today will also show a number of black metal bands playing sets and even closing down the legendary Roadburn venue tonight. Not all of them are part of the Maalstroom project, but all do connect to the blackened sound that slithers through the day. Editor: Guido Segers In that same venue,

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Have a Nice Life’s Deathconsciousness at Roadburn

The existence of Have a Nice Life is almost an anomaly. What started as a musical project in a bedroom, turned into Deathconsciousness, a debut double album, critically acclaimed and achieving a cult following. However, even after such a phenomenal start the band is shrouded in a certain mystique and anonymity, with live shows and musical output being scarce. This makes their two shows at Roadburn simultaneously befitting as well

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Vinyl lessons from Andreas Kohl on Sunday Afternoon

On Sunday afternoon, there was a Q&A for the real vinyl fans at Roadburn. And that should in a sense mean everyone, yet it isn’t as busy as you would expect during the Vinyl Veda Vault session with Andreas Kohl. Editor: Guido Segers Since we did visit and have learned from the Senior Manager at Optimal Media and founder/owner of Exile on Mainstream, we think it’s only fair we share

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365 Days of Rain: see you next year at Planet Roadburn

The more data-savvy readers might have already noticed a fatal flaw in the title, because it is, obviously slightly less. Still, doesn’t it hurt a bit when you see everything wind down at Roadburn? Slowly the circus is packing up. Editor: Guido Segers The circus is leaving town Oh ruby, roll your stockings down Circus is leaving town Oh Ruby, dry your eyes. – Mark Lanegan & Isobel Campbell –

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Only Merch is Real: the Roadburn merchandise experience

Stakes are high during Roadburn. Whether you’re trying to get into your favorite show at the Patronaat or want a taste of that uniquely brewed beer. Get in on time to see a Q&A session or maybe squeeze into Hall of Fame for a show. But nowhere at Roadburn are the stakes higher than at the merch stands in the Koepelhal. Editor: Guido Segers It’s 13.28 on Saturday and on

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Black Skies over Roadburn – Part II

As the day progresses, the Patronaat gets more crowded and some visitors would appear to have set up camp in the front of the classic venue. Some curse the venue for its tricky entrance and lack of tasty drinks. Yet, no one can deny the beauty of live shows in the hallowed church and its sad we have to see it go soon. Editor: Guido Segers Laster has just released

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Record store day at Roadburn: is vinyl a fad after all?

Today is a good day for music. While we’re enjoying the third day of Roadburn it’s also Record Store Day. We were at a packed Sounds Tilburg where the announced ‘DJ-set’ by Dutch Record Store Day ambassadors De Staat turns out to be a live set after all. Fool me once. We park at the door from where we see a lot of folks carrying out RSD-totes filled with what,

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Roadburn pulling another daring move with Seven That Spells’ Croatian Krautrock trilogy

Sure, we could have focussed on countless impressive, taintingly ambitious projects here at Roadburn, but this one definitely caught our eye. Allowing one band to play three sets in a row in one venue, it’s daring to say the least. Croatian space-, psych- and progressive rockers Seven That Spells played their The Death and Resurrection Of Krautrock Trilogy in full in the Green Room on Friday. Editor: Ingmar Griffioen /

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Roadburn Recap: The Burning Darkness in full swing on day 2

So far Roadburn has been treated to the black metal stylings of Slaegt at Patronaat and the emotional rollercoaster ride MONO featuring the Jo Quail Quartet at 013. But Thursday proved just to be the start of Tomas Lindberg’s curation. The second day of Roadburn is chock-full of bands straight out of The Burning Darkness selection. With, among others, Anna Von Hausswolff, Loop and At the Gates themselves. Such a

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Roadburn, a summary in stills

It’s cold as hell outside during the first days of one of the most heart warming festivals out there: Roadburn. This year’s edition sure took all of us by surprise with three commisioned acts, curated shows and artists in residence. The diversity was enormous, even compared to previous editions. We tried to capture it all which is, of course, impossible. Nevertheless below are some our finest pictures we took during this great

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The music nerd dream that is Roadburn

One of the most charming things Roadburn has to offer is one on one contact with artists and music experts. As most of us are exceptional music nerds, the side programme offers us something exciting every day. Editor: Guido Segers / Photo’s: Justina Lukosiote On Thursday, early in the afternoon, there is an exciting panel about ‘Doing it yourself’ (DIY), featuring Meredith Graves (Kickstarter), Cathy Pellow (Sargent House), Justine Jones

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Black Skies over Roadburn – Part I

Tilburg turns a little colder and darker on Saturday. Both in skies and bands, as we move early into Patronaat for the first part of Maalstroom. Everyone looks a bit more haggard, a bit more pale, but with one of those Maalstroom beers in hand, one is ready for the day. Editor: Guido Segers / photo’s: Justina Lukosiote and Paul Verhagen Opening up in the Patronaat is Witte Wieven. The

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Ripples in the water: Maalstroom at Roadburn and the passing of Michiel Eikenaar

When you’re facing a day of black metal, it’s best to come prepared. Roadburn’s Friday had plenty of heavy and dark bands, but also saddening news during the day on Friday that affects the project that is Maalstroom. Editor: Guido Segers News broke yesterday that Michiel Eikenaar had passed away, which is greatly saddening. You may have noticed bands dedicating their show to him, such as Molasses on Thursday. From

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The beauty in suffering: sounds that hurt & heal at Roadburn

Tormented sounds howl from the Koepelhal. It is early in the afternoon and Throane brings their ritual to the stage. Standing in a circle around a massive sword sticking up from the center stage, the band delivers a pulverizing set of crushing sludge as the sun still leaks in through the windows. Almost on call the temperature seems to drop outside and a cold settles over the festival. Editor: Guido Segers

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The passion of Tom Gabriel Fischer

To have the Grammy Award winning Metropole orchestra play in 013 is a pleasure. To have them play the life work of Tom Gabriel Fischer, with Triptykon, at Roadburn. Well, that’s a blessing. The set-up is already grand and quite unlike you normally see on your festival set-up. Then the musicians arrive, the curtains open up and the spectacle begins. Editor: Guido Segers / Photo’s: Celtic Frost has been laid

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Wilbur’s got you covered: first response team in the Roadburners Facebook Group

Many of you may be aware that there are some issues people dislike about Roadburn. The Facebook Group, Roadburners (join while you can), is seeing a lot of those – people are starting polls for crying out loud- and we wanted to ask Walter about some of them. Unfortunately, as you may have seen, Walter is running around like Usain Bolt with one phone on his ear, furiously typing on

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MONO shines bright in The Burning Darkness at Roadburn

At first sight it seems like a remarkable choice, Tomas Lindberg as this year’s Roadburn curator. Although immediately known as the frontman for melodeath stalwarts At the Gates, a little research shows a diverse career in music. From fronting bands such as Disfear to stints in Lock Up, Lindberg’s definitely caught Roadburn’s attention, culminating in a friendship with festival director Walter Hoeijmakers and resulting in a curation under the banner The

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Take a pit stop with an art-inspired walk around the Roadburn festival

The visual is always very present during Roadburn festival. In the new venue, The Pit Stop, it hits you from all sides. From the muscular men statues, which will be seen on many Instagram accounts, to the Full Bleed expo, it’s a feast for the eyes. So we went to have a look and hang out with people who create beauty. Editor: Guido Segers / Photo’s: Paul Verhagen Full Bleed

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Strange folk and the strangeness of Roadburn folk

Roadburn is not exclusively about desert rock and stoner music anymore. It’s still there, but really, how far has the festival come? On Thursday, there’s something more primal happening. Folk music, in its broadest sense, is taking center stage at Roadburn, as we see performances of Myrkur, Heilung, and Hexvessel on the main stage.  Editor: Guido Segers Let’s face it, many of us are looking for an escape. We are

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Ignition… A Rawkward Turbo-Review: the Roadburn Pre-show with Temple Fang

Yes! We are finally here again! Planet motherfuckin Roadburn! Whoohah! With NMTH, we will completely immerse ourselves in the coming days in the violent glory of what we can regard as simply the best place on earth possible. With this year an even bigger warm-up party on Wednesday in the Green Room of 013, called Ignition: Roadburn 2019 Pre Show. Goddamn, it is so nice to be here again. Editor:

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Roadburn: Molassess offers catharsis and release

It’s been five years since The Devil’s Blood´ Selim Lemouchi left this world behind. Five years since his band members played his songs, that had such burning force behind them, such otherworldliness and conviction. Certainly, there have been other bands and the spark of his creativity has been carried on but not until today has it fully become part of the texture that is heavy music as Molassess takes the

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Descending: The magical early hours at planet Roadburn

Something strange happens in Tilburg on Thursday afternoon as the Veemarktstraat slowly turns into Weirdo Canyon. No one can tell you exactly where this normally quiet street turns into Roadburn territory, but we all know when it has happened. You get off the train, leave your hotel – or just your front door – and suddenly you’ve landed: Planet Roadburn. Editor: Guido Segers We carefully move out, like animals in

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Roadburn tips: GOLD, Maalstroom, Thou x Emma Ruth Rundle, Crypt Trip, Bossk & more

We don’t need to tell you how extremely excited we are about Roadburn. By now you will have seen us post, write, scream and cheer about the adventurous Tilburg festival countless times and it is no time to stop doing that. Especially because Roadburn 2019 starts tonight with an Ingnition Party at the 013, where you can already experience Temple Fang, the band we will be presenting with Roadburn, Saturday

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Derde Harlequin Fest in Baroeg gooit hoge ogen met Fleddy Melculy en Raketkanon

Terwijl Rotterdam zich voorbereid op de jaarlijkse marathon staat Baroeg in het teken van het derde Harlequin Fest. Een jaarlijks festijn uit de koker van Kid Harlequin en georganiseerd door en voor de lokale scene. Zeg maar de fijnere buitenbeentjes van de Lage Landen. Dit jaar onder leiding van de Gentse noiserockers Raketkanon en Fleddy Melculy, hilarische hardcore uit Helgië. Tekst: Lodewijk Hoebens / Fotografie: Bart Notermans BOSKAT Voor de

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GOLD over de verschrikkelijkheid van het leven: ‘Het hoeft niet altijd gezellig te blijven’

Het is je niet ontgaan: GOLD heeft net een nieuwe plaat uit. Why Aren’t You Laughing? is alweer het vierde album en het eerste dat verscheen via het Canadese Artoffact Records. 5 april was het zover en aangezien we de groep binnenkort prestigieuze shows zien doen op Roadburn (12 april) en Doomstad (11 mei) reist Never Mind The Hype af naar Rotterdam voor een gesprek met gitarist Thomas Pablo Sciarone

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Hard gaan met Orange Goblin en Cosmic Psychos bij Faster & Louder in Eindhoven

Het is weer zover: de tweede editie van Faster & Louder, ditmaal in Effenaar. Het geesteskind van Bart Nederhand en Bart Geevers, de ritmesectie van voormalig Peter Pan Speedrock. Een avond rock-‘n-roll tot op het bot, op een gemoedelijke zaterdag in april. Faster and Louder is opgezet als een no-nonsense festival met bands uit de punk, rock-n-roll, hardcore, crossover en zelfs stoner/sludge metal. De line-up is dan ook niet mis met

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Roadburn-interview: De Doodswens van I. en F.

“De line-up was toch al meerdere keren af, rond en voltooid verklaard?” “Ja maar, ja maar, ja maar ik kwam nóg een steengoede band tegen en die moet er echt spelen.” “Ok, ok point taken. He, we hebben nog geen bands op de skatebaan dit jaar!” Goed, we weten natuurlijk niet precies hoe dat gaat in Roadburn HQ, maar wel dat er uit liefde voor en kwaliteit van bands wordt

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