
Roadburn interview Bismuth: existing in sound

The primal movements of the earth can be felt when Bismuth plays its second set at the Ladybird Skatepark at Roadburn 2019. Slow, purposeful drone doom, delivered with a mantra-like repetition over a fundamental groundwork of drums by Joe Rawlings. The guitars produce a growling, textured sound that hits you like sonic waves with full force. On guitar is Tanya Byrne, who also plays in Monoliths, Nadir and Dark Mother.

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Roadburners: The beautiful people

There is an almost family like feel to the community of Roadburn, gathered online in the Roadburners Facebook group page. This is were the Roadburners share stories, ask questions or complain about long queues. With this sense of community and togetherness in mind we sat down with a Roadbuner to hear a personal persective on this festival we all love so much. It’s late afternoon on the Saturday of the

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Roadburn interview Great Grief: Open hearts in the land of gluggaveður

Great Grief plays hardcore, but not with camo shorts and baseball caps. It’s hardcore of the heart and soul, wide open and full of fire. During Roadburn 2019, the band played an added slot on Friday in Ladybird Skatepark. They had already played two shows. It was a tense set, hard and overwhelming for band and audience alike. But those are the shows where the chemistry happens, where everything becomes

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Win met je punkband een plek op Antifest 2019 in FLUOR

De mannen van Anti-Flag zijn al zo’n dikke vijfentwintig jaar krankzinnig bezig binnen de punkscene, maar nu doen ze er nog een schepje bovenop. Je kan namelijk met jouw punkband een spot winnen in de line-up van hun eigen festival Antifest. Dit punkfeest strijkt voor de gelegenheid neer in FLUOR te Amersfoort op donderdag 23 mei en het poppodium is op zoek naar dé punkband die keihard het festival kan en

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The gruesome and unfair… Roadburn 2019 Highlights!

Accepting the inevitable and gruesome, the saying goodbye to a festival we love with all our hearts – for about 360 days – and to make matters worse, to rub it in and make the pain even more tangible: we’ve asked our staff to give us their Roadburn 2019 Highlights. And to confine those picks to just 5… sheer torture, we know. But here goes.  Also; the video crew let

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Changing the game: Emma Ruth Rundle at Roadburn 2019

Roadburn had no shortage of female musicians showcasing their sonic art this weekend. Whether it is the otherworldly bass work of Tamaki Kunishi (MONO), the multi-layered keyboards of Helen Stanley (Crippled Black Phoenix) or Amalie Bruun (Myrkur) achieving two critically acclaimed black metal albums. Of course, it seems redundant writing about female representation in heavy music today, let alone in regards to a massively diverse festival such as Roadburn. However,

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Faces behind the art at Roadburn

Jacob Bannon – Jacob sings in Converge and as an artist has been part of the three Full Bleed expos at Roadburn. You may remember him as curator of Roadburn 2018. Our photographer Justina Lukosiute shot a couple of beautiful portraits of visual artists at the Full Bleed expo at Roadburn. We simply had to present these to you as well. This is what she has to say about the

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Rawkward Steve reaches nirwana with the psychedelic wizardry of Temple Fang

Walking on planet Roadburn can make you find yourself ‘living in the moment’, realizing what a lucky bastard you are to be there. Which can lead to an overwhelming sense of gratitude of having the privilege to be there, alive, in this corner of time. But the true power of this festival lies not it’s capacity for creating some kind of awakening and humbling experience. For me it ultimately lies

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