Tag "Koepelhal"

Changing the game: Emma Ruth Rundle at Roadburn 2019

Roadburn had no shortage of female musicians showcasing their sonic art this weekend. Whether it is the otherworldly bass work of Tamaki Kunishi (MONO), the multi-layered keyboards of Helen Stanley (Crippled Black Phoenix) or Amalie Bruun (Myrkur) achieving two critically acclaimed black metal albums. Of course, it seems redundant writing about female representation in heavy music today, let alone in regards to a massively diverse festival such as Roadburn. However,

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The beauty in suffering: sounds that hurt & heal at Roadburn

Tormented sounds howl from the Koepelhal. It is early in the afternoon and Throane brings their ritual to the stage. Standing in a circle around a massive sword sticking up from the center stage, the band delivers a pulverizing set of crushing sludge as the sun still leaks in through the windows. Almost on call the temperature seems to drop outside and a cold settles over the festival. Editor: Guido Segers

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Roadburn regelt Cult Of Luna, Weedeater, drietrapsraket van Bong-Ra + Koepelhal als nieuw podium

De tweede lichting Roadburn-bevestigingen bestaat uit zestien verse namen en er is alle reden om er vast goed voor te gaan zitten. Zo brengt Cult Of Luna op speciaal verzoek van de organisatie voor een laatste maal het album Mariner live (dat is mét de vocalen van Julie Christmas ja!) en keert Weedeater na vele jaren terug. We zagen ze in 2011 een volle 013 Grote zaal onderwerpen en denken

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