One of the most charming things Roadburn has to offer is one on one contact with artists and music experts. As most of us are exceptional music nerds, the side programme offers us something exciting every day. Editor: Guido Segers / Photo’s: Justina Lukosiote On Thursday, early in the afternoon, there is an exciting panel about ‘Doing it yourself’ (DIY), featuring Meredith Graves (Kickstarter), Cathy Pellow (Sargent House), Justine Jones
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Tilburg turns a little colder and darker on Saturday. Both in skies and bands, as we move early into Patronaat for the first part of Maalstroom. Everyone looks a bit more haggard, a bit more pale, but with one of those Maalstroom beers in hand, one is ready for the day. Editor: Guido Segers / photo’s: Justina Lukosiote and Paul Verhagen Opening up in the Patronaat is Witte Wieven. The
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We are on the ground, capturing different facets of Roadburn Festival. Today we turn our attention to the visual art, featuring Maarten Donders, J. Bannon, Richey Beckett and Peter van Elderen at the Full Bleed Expo. Presentation: Waldo Volmer / Camera and editing: Stefan Kemp
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When you’re facing a day of black metal, it’s best to come prepared. Roadburn’s Friday had plenty of heavy and dark bands, but also saddening news during the day on Friday that affects the project that is Maalstroom. Editor: Guido Segers News broke yesterday that Michiel Eikenaar had passed away, which is greatly saddening. You may have noticed bands dedicating their show to him, such as Molasses on Thursday. From
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Tormented sounds howl from the Koepelhal. It is early in the afternoon and Throane brings their ritual to the stage. Standing in a circle around a massive sword sticking up from the center stage, the band delivers a pulverizing set of crushing sludge as the sun still leaks in through the windows. Almost on call the temperature seems to drop outside and a cold settles over the festival. Editor: Guido Segers
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To have the Grammy Award winning Metropole orchestra play in 013 is a pleasure. To have them play the life work of Tom Gabriel Fischer, with Triptykon, at Roadburn. Well, that’s a blessing. The set-up is already grand and quite unlike you normally see on your festival set-up. Then the musicians arrive, the curtains open up and the spectacle begins. Editor: Guido Segers / Photo’s: Celtic Frost has been laid
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Many of you may be aware that there are some issues people dislike about Roadburn. The Facebook Group, Roadburners (join while you can), is seeing a lot of those – people are starting polls for crying out loud- and we wanted to ask Walter about some of them. Unfortunately, as you may have seen, Walter is running around like Usain Bolt with one phone on his ear, furiously typing on
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The secret of a good dish is contrast. Any chef can tell you that. The same applies to Roadburn, where a lot of the bands play music that is complex, layered and made for deep listening. That starts early in the day with the swelling sounds of Sherpa, who begin with a trickle that builds up to a sonic surge, allowing you to float on a sea of sound. Editor:
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At first sight it seems like a remarkable choice, Tomas Lindberg as this year’s Roadburn curator. Although immediately known as the frontman for melodeath stalwarts At the Gates, a little research shows a diverse career in music. From fronting bands such as Disfear to stints in Lock Up, Lindberg’s definitely caught Roadburn’s attention, culminating in a friendship with festival director Walter Hoeijmakers and resulting in a curation under the banner The
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Deel één van de tour van Lesoir met de Poolse vrienden van Riverside zit er alweer op. Maar we zijn er nog niet. Er liggen nog heel wat podia op de route in Groot-Brittanië, Scandinavië en Nederland. Waar waren we gebleven? Oh ja, eindelijk op de ferry naar de UK! Het was een hele toer op zich om op de boot te belanden, maar het is gelukt. Klik op de
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