As the day progresses, the Patronaat gets more crowded and some visitors would appear to have set up camp in the front of the classic venue. Some curse the venue for its tricky entrance and lack of tasty drinks. Yet, no one can deny the beauty of live shows in the hallowed church and its sad we have to see it go soon. Editor: Guido Segers Laster has just released
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Today is a good day for music. While we’re enjoying the third day of Roadburn it’s also Record Store Day. We were at a packed Sounds Tilburg where the announced ‘DJ-set’ by Dutch Record Store Day ambassadors De Staat turns out to be a live set after all. Fool me once. We park at the door from where we see a lot of folks carrying out RSD-totes filled with what,
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Sure, we could have focussed on countless impressive, taintingly ambitious projects here at Roadburn, but this one definitely caught our eye. Allowing one band to play three sets in a row in one venue, it’s daring to say the least. Croatian space-, psych- and progressive rockers Seven That Spells played their The Death and Resurrection Of Krautrock Trilogy in full in the Green Room on Friday. Editor: Ingmar Griffioen /
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So far Roadburn has been treated to the black metal stylings of Slaegt at Patronaat and the emotional rollercoaster ride MONO featuring the Jo Quail Quartet at 013. But Thursday proved just to be the start of Tomas Lindberg’s curation. The second day of Roadburn is chock-full of bands straight out of The Burning Darkness selection. With, among others, Anna Von Hausswolff, Loop and At the Gates themselves. Such a
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It’s cold as hell outside during the first days of one of the most heart warming festivals out there: Roadburn. This year’s edition sure took all of us by surprise with three commisioned acts, curated shows and artists in residence. The diversity was enormous, even compared to previous editions. We tried to capture it all which is, of course, impossible. Nevertheless below are some our finest pictures we took during this great
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One of the most charming things Roadburn has to offer is one on one contact with artists and music experts. As most of us are exceptional music nerds, the side programme offers us something exciting every day. Editor: Guido Segers / Photo’s: Justina Lukosiote On Thursday, early in the afternoon, there is an exciting panel about ‘Doing it yourself’ (DIY), featuring Meredith Graves (Kickstarter), Cathy Pellow (Sargent House), Justine Jones
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Tilburg turns a little colder and darker on Saturday. Both in skies and bands, as we move early into Patronaat for the first part of Maalstroom. Everyone looks a bit more haggard, a bit more pale, but with one of those Maalstroom beers in hand, one is ready for the day. Editor: Guido Segers / photo’s: Justina Lukosiote and Paul Verhagen Opening up in the Patronaat is Witte Wieven. The
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We are on the ground, capturing different facets of Roadburn Festival. Today we turn our attention to the visual art, featuring Maarten Donders, J. Bannon, Richey Beckett and Peter van Elderen at the Full Bleed Expo. Presentation: Waldo Volmer / Camera and editing: Stefan Kemp
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When you’re facing a day of black metal, it’s best to come prepared. Roadburn’s Friday had plenty of heavy and dark bands, but also saddening news during the day on Friday that affects the project that is Maalstroom. Editor: Guido Segers News broke yesterday that Michiel Eikenaar had passed away, which is greatly saddening. You may have noticed bands dedicating their show to him, such as Molasses on Thursday. From
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Tormented sounds howl from the Koepelhal. It is early in the afternoon and Throane brings their ritual to the stage. Standing in a circle around a massive sword sticking up from the center stage, the band delivers a pulverizing set of crushing sludge as the sun still leaks in through the windows. Almost on call the temperature seems to drop outside and a cold settles over the festival. Editor: Guido Segers
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