Moon Duo at Le Guess Who? 2019, photo Erik Luyten
With an eclectic offering of bands from all over the world, it seems that Le Guess Who? has once again succeeded in maintaining their renowned reputation. The thirteenth edition had around 200 artists scattered over four exhaustive days, creating a unique experience. Whether you like world music, jazz or electronic music. Either way, the visitor was bound to find a whole heap of surprises, being able to form the festival route of your own choice. As for Never Mind the Hype, the ever so awesome dB’s proved to be a meeting point for anything guitar-related, while Pandora, De Nijverheid and De Helling also had an impressive roster of psychedelic or noise-rock shows. Anyhow, with a lot of articles and bands covered, we decided to put together a top 5 of the most remarkable acts we’ve seen in those four days, followed by our individual list. We’re already looking forward to next year’s edition, seeing as there was a lot of love for all things noisy and psychedelic. But for now, better late than never, check out our favorite acts of the weekend:

The Sweet Release of Death at Le Guess Who?, photo Anne-Marie van Rijn
”It’s not just noise rock, The Sweet Release Of Death also possess this early Pumpkins like shoegazey feel, that is just too delicious. Sheer bliss. In terms of focus this is probably not their best live show ever, but it still comes down to awfully impressive stuff from the Rotterdam group. The second part shows a band very much in control of their simmering and at times menacing sound.” -Ingmar Griffioen
Read the full review here.
”This thanks to hypnotic synth-melodies, guitar solos earth-shattering in its subtlety and soothing yet dynamic drumbeats. New and old songs surprisingly mesh well together, going from soaring rock tunes to almost funky disco tracks, each of them tightly knit together creating an transcendental experience.” – Merijn Siben
Read the full review here.

Moon Duo at Le Guess Who? 2019, photo Erik Luyten

Acid Mothers Temple at Le Guess Who? 2019, photo Sabrine Baakman
”And there’s a key in maintaining that controlled chaos, courtesy of the rhythm section of drummer Frederik Dennen and bassist Rasmus ‘Cleaver’ Christensen. Masterfully maintaining a groove throughout the whole set, in-between insane fills but somehow never losing sight of what’s most important: a catchy, hard-rocking foundation that you can nod your head to.” -Merijn Siben
Read the full review here.
”Psychrock isn’t known for its conciseness, but Acid Mothers Temple, with dozens of albums in their discography, push the envelope even further. An explosive form of psychrock, haunting, chaotic but also immensely rewarding and soothing. Long compositions full of guitar melodies, otherworldly vocals and inimitable drumpatterns.” -Merijn Siben
Read the full review here.

Girl Band at Le Guess Who? 2019, photo Erik Luyten
”As soon as Kiely’s growls kick in and the first capricious guitar tones fill the Ronda it becomes immediately apparent that they’re every bit as frightening and mesmerizing as any kind of dark cellar or basement. New single Shoulderblades fits in perfectly, devolving into demented screams about the two-faced man, Ed Mordake, and pounding bass lines without losing any momentum.” -Wybren Nauta
Read the full review here.
Individual lists:
Wybren Nauta
1. Girl Band
2. Tropical Fuck Storm
3. Italia 90
4. Lightning Bolt
5. Amnesia scanner
Ingmar Griffioen
1. Shortparis
2. Acid Mothers Temple and the Melting Paraiso U.F.O.
3. The Sweet Release Of Death
4. Godflesh
5. Mythic Sunship
6. Lightning Bolt
Merijn Siben
1. Mythic Sunship
2. Moon Duo
3. Acid Mothers Temple and the Melting Paraiso U.F.O.
4. Girl Band
5. Godflesh
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